Ordinary sand is one of the most diverse materials on Earth. What is sand?
A guide describing frequently encountered gem treatment processes, their detection, and special care tips for treated gems.
To make porcelain, the raw materials—such as clay, felspar, and silica—are first crushed using jaw crushers, hammer mills, and ball mills.
What is the Rock Cycle? Rocks, like mountains, do not last forever. The weather, running water, and ice wear them down. All kinds of rocks become sediment.
1. The surface of the Moon can be divided into two major regions: (a) the relatively low, smooth, dark areas called maria (seas) and (b) the densely cratered, rugged ...
For example, a rock that is entirely made of albite, NaAlSi 3 O 8, a feldspar, has 0% quartz content, but contains % silica (weight percent). It was once ...
Sedimentary stone came from organic elements such as glaciers, rivers, wind, oceans, and plants. Metamorphic Rock Igneous stones Serpentine Modern Marble Kinetic ...
adularescence: Adularescence is an optical phenomenon typically associated with moonstone, a member of the feldspar family. It manifests as a soft shimmer moving ...
Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary Rocks. Descriptions of Rock Types with pictures.
Tumbled and Polished Stones Over 60 varieties of colorful tumbled stones from around the world.
Our downloadable database is available to commercial importers and exporters importing into or exporting to the United States. The machine readable database is ...
Glass Industry Definitions. The following terms are used in the Glass industry. A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T V W. A. Acid etching. This process for the ...
Facts and Lore about stones used in Native American Indian Jewelry
Ordinary sand is one of the most diverse materials on Earth. What is sand?
Feldspar is the most abundant mineral group in the Earth''s crust. There are more feldspars (60%) than all the other minerals combined in the outer (1317) km of the ...
Bricks and Mortar – The Rocks That Make Up The Rockies Key Topics. Introduction to the Rocks that Make Up the Rockies; Past Environments In Which Our Sedimentary ...
Granite Depot are one of the largest importers and stockists of natural stone tiles, flooring andstone bathware in the Brazil, China, India, and Europe.
Fake Minerals brings your articles featuring mineral fakes and forgeries. Diamond Scandals, Fake Lapidary Stones, Glass sold as Obsidian and Quartz, we keep you .
Obsidian is a massive volcanic glass. The term ''massive'' has several (although related) meanings in geology but here it means that the rock (obsidian is a rock ...
Trinitite, also known as atomsite or Alamogordo glass, is the glassy residue left on the desert floor after the plutoniumbased Trinity nuclear bomb test on July 16 ...
Abrasive – Substance used to cut and polish rocks.
THE ROCK CYCLE. Rocks are constantly being formed, worn down and then formed again. This is known as the Rock Cycle. It is like the water cycle but it takes a lot .
The term milk glass almost always refers to the white glass that was popular from 1835 through the 1980s in America and England. Considered porcelain for the masses ...
The next 4 figures shall demonstrate schematically how the symmetry of the internal structure relates to anisotropy. The atoms of different elements are symbolized by ...